Who are the Fibermancers for Hire?
Friends and creative shenaniganators since 2010, Spence and Val have a lot of skills, but you came here to see about our fibermancy, right? Right! We've operated under a couple of different names. "Fun with Yarn and Thread" and "Wyrd Creations" started it all out, but when Spence was called a fibermancer on a Twitch stream... well it stuck.
This is Val. Val is the initiator of the fibermancers project before we knew we were fibermancers. Specializing in knit, crochet, and embroidery, Val is a powerhouse of fibermancy!
This is Spence. Val has appointed them the director of research and development. Their specialty is cosplay accessories, draw string bags, and free styling new patterns to suit needs that arise!